Monday, May 5, 2008



Sarah Jamshidi of Hamburg, Germany (seated in front of Starbucks-she's the girl in the middle) listens to Jeff & Jenn online at every morning! Recently, Sarah ran into a group of young people from Cincinnati's Nativity School. The students were in Germany as part of an exchange program. Sarah herself, was an exchange student living in Cincinnati in 2007, when she served as a teachers aid. Here's the story in Sarah's own words...

I recently met up with a delegation of 11 students from Pleasant Ridge’s Nativity School here in northern Germany. I got to know the chaperons, 5th grade teacher Emily Bennett and librarian Tracie Theis while I was a teacher’s aid at the Nativity School in 2007.

It was their first time on a plane, for some of the kids, a long flight of almost 9 hours.
They rode bikes or busses to Otto-Hahn-Gymnasium in Geesthacht (near Hamburg), one of the many partner-schools the Nativity School has.

The kids stayed with host families, which they got to know when the German kids came to visit Cincinnati the year before. They were all having a great time, visiting sights of Hamburg, Luebeck, the Baltic Sea and participating at German lessons.

At the same time Nativity School welcomes two delegations from Finland and China to stay with them for two weeks of friendship journey. Mr. Bob Herring, the principal, himself a Nativity Alumini, is strong connected to different schools around the world, from Ukraine, to China, from Germany, to Costa Rica, to give the kids a wider view of different cultures, religions and people.

The US Department of Education named Nativity a Blue Ribbon School in 2005 one of 3 in Cincinnati, one of 16 in Ohio.

This is a great opportunity for everybody, to lead to an open world, to eliminate prejudices and to be part of a global understanding, with friends all around the world.

"Nothing makes the Earth seem so spacious as to have friends at a distance; they make the latitudes and longitudes." (H.D. Thoreau)

Sarah Jamshidi, Germany

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