Wednesday, July 30, 2008

A note to parents about myspace, etc....

To Whom It May Concern:

I was listening this morning when they were discussing Myspace. I heard a bunch of idiotic parents. One lady even went so far to discuss a proxy server. My 8 year old has had a computer in her room since she was 3 yrs old. The parents haven’t been keeping up with technology. Windows Vista has excellent Parental Control built right into it. This is a great first line of protection. Because the lady mentioned a proxy server it brings up my second and last line of defense. Tell the parents to google “Keylogger” to find out about the best defense. A keylogger is just like the name implies. It logs every key that is pressed. It also monitors every web sight that they go to. It takes screenshots of everything every XXX seconds or minutes. You set XXX. With this info, I am able to go and block whatever website that my wife and I deem inappropriate. I also forgot to mention that it works on IM’s and email as well. There is no way to get by this system. Also, this program is put on your system in stealth mode. It pops up nowhere until I hit a 4 key combo. I think parents need to equip themselves with this and start worrying more about cell phones with cameras. That is the real scary thing.

South Lebanon

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